Tuesday, March 18, 2025

2023 ATL Holiday Card Contest Finalists Revealed!


(Image via Getty)

Hanukkah is here, Christmas is nearly upon us, and everyone in the legal profession is ready to ring in the New Year, so it’s finally time to reveal the seven finalists for our fifteenth annual holiday card contest. But first let’s give shout-outs to some honorable mentions (click on each firm’s name to see its card):

1. Armond Wilson: “Who says patent litigators don’t have a sense of humor?” our nominator asks. This firm’s Wes Anderson-inspired holiday card is certainly enough to make you chuckle.

2. Diaz Trade Law: Our nominator has strong feelings about this firm, and tells ATL, “Each year CBP lawyers like the ones at DTL singlehandedly save Christmas by getting cargo ships FULL OF PRESENTS un-stuck at the border. If that doesn’t deserve a place in the finals, I don’t know what does.”

3. Patterson Belknap: This firm is in a New York state of mind — and so is its holiday card. This year, the firm is making donations to NYC’s Coalition for the Homeless and Children’s Aid, and you should too.

And now, the seven finalists, in alphabetical order. Again, click on each firm’s name to view its card. Please note that most of these cards have SOUND, so you might want to turn your sound off or down, or use headphones. Explanatory comments come from firm representatives unless indicated.

1. Butler Snow: “This year’s holiday card provides viewers with a behind-the-scenes look at what it would actually look like if you invited 400+ lawyers to provide feedback on a firm’s holiday message (or anything, really…). It’s the perfect example of why these sorts of things are best left to a firm’s marketing department.” To be honest, this is perfect, and the firm’s card earned a big laugh from us over the final editing comment: “Do you think we should submit this to Above the Law?” We also loved the lawyerific fine print at the end of the video, specifically, “No representation is made that the quality of this holiday greeting is greater than the quality of holiday greetings provided by other law firms.” This is truly excellent work!

2. Davis Wright Tremaine: “Continuing the tradition of elevating our creativity game every holiday season, this year our in-house videography team headed north to a remote lake in Alaska, accompanied by British “snow artist” Simon Beck, who creates incredible (and evanescent) landscape drawings in the earth using only his snow shoes. Racing against time (and the setting sun), our team shot the spectacular footage you see here, in which Beck strode across the frozen lake to create a beautiful, filigreed version of our firm logo. Nothing here was created with AI or After Effects, it’s all natural light and straight photography. Except, of course, for the phrases rising up against the glaciers….” Beautiful!

3. Faegre Drinker: The firm’s holiday card offers a “lighthearted take on generative AI tools, that emphasizes the importance of certain things being done in person.” Very cute concept here that’ll help lawyers realize the robots won’t be taking over the thank-you card industry (yet).

4. Falcon Rappaport & Berkman: “Our holiday card is compelling because it is a digital token that encapsulates the spirit of the season and serves as a token of our firm’s appreciation to our clients. Like our namesake falcon, our holiday card represents that we are here to help you soar above the blockchain industry’s changing winds.” Wow, this is definitely a first for the ATL holiday card contest. To mint your very own FRB Holiday Card NFT, click the link above.

5. Larson • King: “This small but mighty Minnesota boutique litigation firm is proud of their great state and capital city. Despite being cold 9 months of year, the firm is able to enjoy the winter months and enjoys promoting fun in the snow. This year the story starts with AI telling the cast of characters where to go on a road trip. AI tells some them wonky route and some wacky roadside attractions to visit instead of the regular tourist destinations. The Minnesota cast includes the state bird – a loon, The University of Minnesota Gopher, a wolf, and a moose and the famous ox, Babe. The road trip winds through the state to the tune of Holiday Road from National Lapoon’s original vacation opening title sequence.” Yet another great entry from a firm that’s graced our finals 10 times.

6. McBrayer: “This year, as we celebrate our 60th anniversary and look forward to the future of our firm, we asked our attorneys for their new year’s resolutions. What is assembled here are our individual wishes for the year to come: some sincere, some tongue-in-cheek, and everything in between.” Another strong entry from the McBrayer. From lawyers vowing to join the NBA and get NIL deals to lawyers promising not to print two one-sided copies of the state budget, this one has some surprise laughs.

7. Rakower Law: “If this card does not make you smile, nothing will. It is creative, clever, and comical. Oh, and also charitable.” Rakower Law does it again with this amazing Cameo appearance from Kevin Pollack, who channels his inner Christopher Walken, William Shatner, and Christopher Lloyd. Recipients of the card can also choose which charity the firm should donate to this year. Great job!

Now it’s time for our audience to vote. We’ll keep the polls open through SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2021, at 11:00 p.m. (Eastern time). This gives you ample time to campaign for your pick over the holidays (but don’t cheat).

Please CLICK HERE to vote.

Thanks to all the entrants and nominators, good luck to the finalists, and happy holidays to all! Above the Law is happy to celebrate holiday cheer with you!

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter and Threads or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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